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August Round Table - Operating Undercover, Deep Behind (your CU) Enemy Lines

Are rising rates, staffing issues, examiners, liquidity issues, and squeezing margins triggering stressful responses in your life?

The stresses of today’s credit union executive position can be demanding and difficult and the reaction to stressful situations can often stop you from being the leader that you need to be.  A seemingly different profession is the undercover operative, deep behind enemy lines in which the professional operative repeatedly faces life-and-death circumstances.

 Yet, there are a lot of commonalities between the two professionals.  Both are expected to remain calm, focused, and goal oriented under pressure.  Both are expected to perform and successfully deliver the goals in a repeated manner.  Both are expected to lead their team rather than be led by their emotions.

Please join us for a special CU Strategy Forum Session to discuss with our special guest Dr. Gill Engelheart from Mind Matrix Training.  We will explore how your response to stress might be stopping you from being at your best, not to mention the effects on your health.  Dr. Gill Engelheart is a unique expert on the behaviors of stress and applying his unique experiences in the Isreali Special Forces and discoveries in neuroscience in working with C-Suite Executives for more than a decade to help manage behaviors in reactions to stress.  Explore how you can change your response habits to stress and difficult situations and operate at your best.

Dr. Gill Engelheart founded behavioral training and the company Mind Matrix, which is a unique approach to training corporate executives and individuals to change their habitual response to stressful circumstances.  The program is based on his personal experiences and training in the Isreali Special Forces training and operational experiences, scientific and clinical neurological data and business experience. In his hands-on executives training and corporate workshops, Dr. Engelheart synthesizes these different fields into a powerful product: training corporate executives and individuals to change their habitual response to stressful circumstances. 

Dr. Gill Engelheart was born and raised in Israel. He served for over 7 years in an elite Special Forces unit in the IDF.  This unit is known to operate undercover, deep behind enemy lines. During his service (Captain and Reserve), he commanded and trained soldiers from his unit.  Dr. Engelheart received a Bachelor degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. He then continued and earned his PhD in Bio-Medical Engineering from Imperial College, London University.


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July Roundtable — Rising Rate & Liquidity Strategies

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